music: "in between - 1st" performed by
Jakob Crash Man Mayrhofer & Philipp Wolf
recorded at the SRDS on 26th June 2012
a party night timelapse from the srds - space research and development studio - deutsch wagram from the night of the 21st to the 22nd July 2012.
performing musicians in alphabetic order:
Bernhard Glatz
Brandi Fux Steppenfuchs
Jakob Crash Man Mayrhofer
Julia Kastner
Lisa Wagner
Karina Seidl
Markus Jimi Ivan
Michael Amon
Michael Egermeier
Michael Svoboda
Mona Wagner
Monika Ritter
Moritz Grandits
Philipp Wolf
Ronny Heller
Rosa B. Nentwich-Boucha
video by Markus Jimi Iva